Hello everyone, and Happy Labour Day. This is usually the weekend that the switch is flipped concerning the weather, and we can feel fall rapidly approaching. This year sure isn't any different. Windy and cool for the parades, but I am sure the party goers won't let that stop them.
My son, Bowen left for college today, 4 hrs away, his second year. He is so excited to be sharing a house with a couple of his friends. My goodness, the day is here, which at the beginning of this summer I thought would never arrive. ....What a great summer, I just wish I could make time stand still....The reality of Bowen leaving the nest has hit me suddenly like a ton of bricks. I'm not feeling so much in the party mood. People say,don't panic, and offer up some good tips to lessen the anxiety but the best idea for sure will be a sisters night out, this week. They always make me feel better. Don't get me wrong, it is so fantastic to see the happiness,and excitement in your child as he starts out another year. I am so proud of the man he has become and I am excited for his future. He's got it going on :) . I know, I need to start a new quilt that will fix me right up! Yes that's it, Devon your black and white Log Cabin is on the way!
The fall season, brings with it a fresh new start for all.
I have been busy preparing for the trip to Nicaragua, to teach Sewing and Quilting. The date has been changed to Jan. 3, and that's OK I'll be ringing in the New Year with my family - a good thing.
Every time I get together with the 12 other people on our team, the more excited I get about this whole trip. Each one brings their own unique reasons for being involved in this venture, and I have a hunch when everything is said and done, we will all be fast friends. Every time we meet, I find out more and more about the needs of the people that we will be working with. There has been some communication with the pastor of the community, and he has relayed to us that the women are very excited to know of our plans. It is their hope to start a co-op with the skills we will teach and one of the projects will be a traditional peasant blouse.
There is a trip planned one afternoon to visit a Women's hospital. The ladies travel a long way to go to this hospital for treatments and It is our hope to be able to take a gift bag full of toiletries and a nitie for each one.
I have listed some items in need and if you can help out, than please let me know and I will arrange to pick up and Thank you so much!
Soaps, Lotions, combs, toiletries, tooth brushes and paste.
We are looking to fill 50 bags. The small bottles that you get from hotels would even be great.
Head Scarves
Nities- Variety of sizes - new only please
Underwear - Variety of sizes - new only please
Clear plastic zippered bags - (the ones that a comforter or sheets would come in)
Hockey Bags for us to pack in - We need a lot of them!! :) Not the huge goalie ones and no wheels please.
Also just a reminder that the Pasta Dinner/Silent Auction fundraiser is on Tuesday October 26 at Club Belvedere, Thorold. Tickets are $15.00 each and available through me or at Kindred Spirits. Bring your family and friends, I can't wait to be your host!!
The Stitch-A-Thon is going to be great. And is coming up in a hurry! Friday Sept. 17. Our big hearted friend Sharon Watson has so graciously taken on the job of organizing the design and assembly line for the pad production. Her goal is 100 pads and extra liners! Thank you Sharon, I owe you big time! There are still a few spots left, so check out all of the information below and let me know if you can join in for this fun and worth while evening of outreach.
Friday Sept. 17, 2010
Grace United Church Hall
222 Victoria Ave.
Niagara On The Lake
2 pm until you can't take it anymore!
Niagara On The Lake
2 pm until you can't take it anymore!
Hosted by, Jane Sandercock
All proceeds going to PAN Missions Canada, Sewing Mission Nicaragua
This is going to be such a fun event!
We will start to gather at the hall around 2pm and if you can't make it then, just come whenever you can and join in. Bring whatever it is that you would like to work on and I'll make sure to have a couple of ironing stations ready to go. Be sure to bring your sewing supplies, and an extension cord.
We will start to gather at the hall around 2pm and if you can't make it then, just come whenever you can and join in. Bring whatever it is that you would like to work on and I'll make sure to have a couple of ironing stations ready to go. Be sure to bring your sewing supplies, and an extension cord.
If you would like to donate some of your time working for the cause, then I will have an assembly line in action to make sanitary pads. These are such a necessity, but sadly a luxury for the ladies in Nicaragua. All of the supplies and directions for this project will be provided.
All we need is an hour of your time, your capable hands and your sewing machines!
A Pizza Party is included, complete with snacks and dessert.
Bring your own drinks.
So please bring yourself, a friend or a group! Everyone is welcome.It`s a guaranteed fun night for a Great cause!
So please bring yourself, a friend or a group! Everyone is welcome.It`s a guaranteed fun night for a Great cause!
Call me soon to reserve your spot as space is limited. 905-938-8422
This is a fundraising event. When you sign up, pledge sheets are available or a personal donation is welcomed.
Well I sure did have a lot to say today!! Good therapy for an empty nester. :) Have a great rest of the Labour Day Weekend!!

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